Thursday, April 24, 2014

Friday, April 25 Agenda

1. Read the New York Times Article linked below
2. Answer Article Questions
3. Finish Amendments Foldable
4. Prepare for AP Exam (Review sites, Flashcards, Current Events, etc.)

Article Link:

Article Questions:
1. Before reading, do you think New York City schools should have days off for students and staff on Muslim holidays (like they do for Christian holidays like Christmas)? Why/why not?
2. What Constitutional rights are the Muslims and their supporters exercising?
3. What interest groups have formed?
4. What is their mission?
5. How is grassroots mobilization being used by the interest groups?
6. What lobbying (if any) have these interest groups been able to perform?
7. If the desired policy was enacted, do you think there would be a “free-rider” problem? Defend your answer.
8. Why do you think this issue is NOW being discussed by elected officials and reported by the NY Times?
9-11. Choose 3 quotes that stuck out to you and explain why.
12. Did your opinion change at all after reading this article?  Explain

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